
Programming languages: Python (academic and industrial projects). Matlab, R (academic projects). Elementary: Java (Coursera course), C++ (2 years in Bachelor).

Human languages: English (IELTS 8/10), Dutch (B1 completed), Russian (native).

Other skills: NLTK, HuggingFace, Stanford CoreNLP, Stanza. MySQL, MongoDB, neo4j, ElasticSearch, Whoosh. Keras, PyTorch. Jupyter Notebook. LaTeX, Git, Bootstrap, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript.


ML and NLP Engineer

November 2022 - now. Dedalus

clinalytix team. Information extraction and text classification for multilingual clinical texts.

Senior NLP Engineer

March 2021 - October 2022. Faktion

Semantic search, topic modelling, word sense disambiguation, query expansion and correction & text classification. (Dutch, government documents). Collected feedback from users, carried out research and development, implemented a demo frontend, maintained the backend, prepared microservices API which were incorporated into an analytics platform.

Text quality assessment: readability, fluency, coherence. (English, legal documents.) Research and development.

Knowledge sharing sessions on Bayesian deep learning and graph deep learning.

Deep learning for Question Answering (QA)

October 2017 - August 2018. DFKI MLT

I worked on non-factoid multilingual (including code-mixed) QA. I have also developed an interactive prototype that demonstrates inner representations of an LSTM model for a better understanding of the network decision making process.

Master Thesis Internship

February - June 2017. Vrije Universiteit Brussel

I have

  • organized corpus annotation for sentiment analysis (comments to “The Guardian” articles on climate change)
  • extracted linguistic features and tested their influence on performance
  • trained machine learning models (Support Vector Machines, Maximum Entropy, Naive Bayes)
  • compared existing sentiment analysis tools (Stanford CoreNLP, Vader, Pattern, Polyglot)

Teaching Assistant

April - July 2015. Higher School of Economics

Course Social Network Analysis (in English).

Topics: graph analysis; with the use of software for creating a graph of connections extracted from the social network account. Responsibilities: I compiled an up-to-date list of resources and prepared handouts for exercise sessions in R. I have also checked solutions and provided feedback to help students.

Summer Internship

2013. Higher School of Economics

Project VisualMath: I have implemented interactive Javascript visualizations of interesting examples for calculus theorems. The resulting illustrations were actively used on the lectures and have been included in a published version of lecture notes.


2013 - now.

Teaching math to middle- and high-school students, as well as linear algebra, calculus, statistics and differential equations to university students. Also tutored bachelor students on Python and machine learning.